Title: Vitae Illustrium Virorum, 1482
Author: Plutarch; Battista Alessandro Jaconello
Publisher: Adam de Rottweil, for Ludovicus Tortus, Dominicus de Montorio and Ludovicus de Camillis, Aquila
Condition: Good
A late 15th century edition of Plutarch’s Lives, translated by Jaconello from the Latin versions of Lapus Florentinus, Leonardus Brunus Aretinus, Donatus Acciaiolus, Franciscus Philelphus, Franciscus Barbarus, Guarinus Guarini and others, being the 1482 edition. Only the first part of the translation was published. The lives printed here are those of Theseus, Romulus, Lycurgus, Numa, Themistocles, Camillus, Hannibal, Scipio, Timoleon, Aemilius Paulus, Pyrrhus, Marius, Lysander, Sulla, Eumenes, Sertorius, Cimon, Lucullus, Nicias, Crassus, Agesilaus, Pompeius, Alexander, Caesar, Phocion, and Cato. As the title and colophon are lacking, this copy was identified by comparing and studying collation to the digitally scanned copy held at the Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris. Auction records are scarce.
Leaves a1-a10, s5-s6, A8, K8, L1-L2, and L6-L8 are lacking.
Two parts in one finely bound volume, 315 of 334 leaves
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and peeling to the head of the spine. There is a vertical quarter-page tear to leaves x-x4. Leaves p5 and p6 have a small wormhole obscuring several letters, p6 being crudely repaired. There is a repair to the lower margin of leaf t6. The lower margin of z1 and D3 have a small vertical tear. There is some foxing and staining throughout, with wear to some of the page edges.