Title: Vita della Beata Catherina Adorni da Genova. Con un Dialogo diviso in tre Capitoli, fra l'Anima. il Corpo, l'Humanita, l'Amor proprio, & il Signore, composto da essa Beata, 1615
Author: Cattaneo Marabotto
Publisher: Venetia, Giacomo Sarzina
Condition: Very Good
An uncommon early 16th century of Marabotto’s biographical Life and Times of Saint Catherine of Genoa, a reprinted and revised edition.
Both saint and mystic of Roman Catholicism, Catherine was admired and remembered for her efforts in aiding the sick and poor, as well as her mystical experiences. It was Marabotto himself who was assigned to Catherine towards the end of her life, as spiritual guide, and compiler of her memoirs.
Worldcat records 18 copies of this edition in libraries.
One vellum bound volume in 16mo, (14)+392 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with very little rubbing or wear to the binding. There is some damp staining at the beginning which withdraws to the margins in later pages, and then fades away at page 155 before resurfacing at page 352. The title page is lacking, as are pages 391-394. There is an old tape repair to the final page.