Title: Vergilius com commentarijs. Opera Vergiliana: antea corrupta: con mendosa: nunc vero multorum exemplarium collatione in integrum restituta: docte: con familiariter exposita, 1519
Author: Publius Vergilius Maro; Aelius Donatus; Servius; Augustinum de Zanis
Publisher: Venetiis, per A. de Zannis de Portesio
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century edition of the works of Virgil. Contained within is his poetical epic, the Aeneid, along with his Eclogues, and Georgics.
There are close to 200 beautiful woodcuts, various size, with many half page and three-quarter page examples. These are exemplary copies of the woodcuts from the Strasbourg Gruninger edition of 1502, displaying images of battle, mythological creatures, and more. Close to half of the woodcuts have been crudely enhanced in color wash by an amateurish hand. There are some contemporary ink annotations as well.
The title page is missing and has been supplied in an 18th century manuscript facsimile.
Three parts bound into one quarter vellum volume in folio, (7 of 8)+122+250+47 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minimal rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some damp staining affecting about 100 leaves, and scattered spotting and staining. Some of the pages have been trimmed a bit sharply.