Title: Unbetruglicher Passionsspiegel, oder: das bitterste Leiden Jesu Christi : sammt heilsamer Morgen-, Abend-, Meß-, Beicht- und Kommunion-Andacht: mit 47 Kupfern geziert, 1793. Beautiful Engravings by Klauber
Author: Probus Schmidhueber; Johann Baptist Klauber
Publisher: Augsburg, Klauber
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce late 18th century edition of Schmidhueber’s Unmistakable Mirror of the Passion, or: the bitterest suffering of Jesus Christ: together with healing morning, evening, mass, confession and communion devotions.
This edition has been vividly illustrated with 47 copperplate engravings by Johann Baptist Klauber, displaying scenes of Christ, and the 12 Stations of the Cross.
Worldcat records three existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One volume in 12mo, 127 pages, plus 47 unnumbered copperplate engravings
This volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some foxing and staining throughout.