Title: Two Leaves from Caesariensis’ Institutions Grammaticae, 1250. France. Latin Manuscript on Parchment. The Standard Latin Textbook during the Middle Ages Recovered Manuscript Waste Fragments, With a Doodle of a Swan
Author: Priscianus Caesariensis
Condition: Fair
A mid 13th century edition pair of leaves from Caesariensis’ Institutions Grammaticae, also known as the Institutes of Grammer, which became the standard textbook for the study of Latin during the Middle Ages. The manuscript is written in an early Gothic textualis miniscule script, in a black ink, and bearing one two-line initial, three 1-line initials, and an early doodle of a swan.
These leaves are an example of recovered waste fragments, once used in binding purposes.
This manuscript bears the provenance of having been acquired by Maggs Brothers in 1964, and later ending up in the ownership of Marvin L. Colker, later sold in the London collection at Christies.
These leaves are written in a 32-line format.
Two leaves on parchment, 21.8 x 15.2 cm
This manuscript is in fair shape, with chipping and damage to the leaves, and a section of text lacking from one of the leaves. One leaf is significantly more browned and stained than the other. Some of the text is rubbed.