Title: Two Leaf Bifolio from the Canons of the Concilium Sardicense, 1175-1200 Century. Germany(?). Manuscript on Parchment. 27 lines of Carolingian-Gothic Script. Recovered from a Binding
Author: Emperor Constans I; Emperor Augustus in the West; Emperor Constantius II
Condition: Good
A late 12th century two leaf bifolio from the Canons of the Concilium Sardicense, also known as Council of Serdica. The manuscript was likely produced in Germany and is written in a late Carolingian-Gothic (proto-gothic) script.
Of the Council itself, being an attempt to resolve tensions between the East and Western Roman Empire Churches, it was largely a disaster, as the majority of bishops, priests, deacons, and other figures, never even met as one group successfully, and excommunicating each other, the West labelling all Eastern Romans as heretical Arians, and the East labelling all Western Romans as Sabellians. If anything, it only worsened relations.
Some of the transcribed text roughly follows:
“[…] qui injuriam patiuntur, aut qui peccantes in exsilio vel insulis damnantur, aut certe quamcunque sententiam suscipiunt, subveniendum est his, et sine dubitatione petenda indulgentia. Hoc ergo decernite, si vobis placet. Universi dixerunt: Placet et constituatur.
Ut qui in canali sunt episcopi euntes ad comitatum sollicite discutiant. XI. Gaudentius episcopus dixit: Ea quae salubriter providistis convenientia, et aestimatione omnium et Deo placitura, tenere hanc firmitatem possunt […]”
The manuscript itself was once used as binder’s waste, saved from a bookbinding.
This manuscript is written in a double column, 27-line format.
One two-leaf bifolio on parchment, 21.2 x 11.7 and 21.2 x 15.2 cm
This manuscript is in good shape, with some trimming to the first leaf, causing some text loss. There are a few small holes with a few letters of text loss. There is some foxing and soiling to the parchment.