Title: Two Leaf Bifolio from a Cistercian Missal, Germany, 1150-1200. Latin Manuscript on Parchment. 27 Lines of Carolingian-Gothic (Proto-Gothic). Recovered from a Binding
Condition: Good
A mid to late 12th century two leaf bifolio from a manuscript Missal, produced during the second half of the 12th century, written, in Latin, and likely from Germany. The text is written in Latin and is a Carolingian-Gothic (Proto-Gothic) script written in black ink, bearing one large 5-line initial, and numerous 2-line initials, all in red, blue, and a now faded yellow.
This bifolio was once used as binder’s waste.
These leaves are written in a 27-line format.
Two leaves on parchment, 27.7 x 19.5 cm
This manuscript is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the parchment, as well as several small cuts and holes, with vertical tear partially separating the bifolio. A few words of text are obscured to one side of the first leaf.