Title: Two Leaf Bifolio from a Cistercian Missal, Germany, 1150-1200. Latin Manuscript on Parchment. 27 Lines of Carolingian-Gothic (Proto-Gothic), and Several Beautiful Initials Recovered from a Binding
Condition: Very Good
A mid to late 12th century two leaf bifolio from a manuscript Missal, produced during the second half of the 12th century, written, in Latin, and likely from Germany. The text is written in Latin and is a Carolingian-Gothic (Proto-Gothic) script written in black ink, bearing two large 5-line initials, and numerous 2 to 3-line initials, all in red, blue, and a now faded yellow.
This bifolio was once used as binder’s waste.
These leaves are written in a 27-line format.
Two leaves on parchment, 24.8 x 19.5 cm
This manuscript is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the parchment, with one hole to the first leaf obscuring several letters. Some of the text internally is slightly faded, but still discernable.