Title: Thomae a Kempis libri quatuor de imitatione Christi: additâ cuique capitulo exercitatione spirituali, & precatione; quam gallico primùm sermon, 1724
Author: Thomas a Kempis; Jérôme de Gonnelieu
Publisher: Coloniae, Apud Servatium Noethen
Condition: Good
An early 18th century edition of the Kempis’ Imitation of Christ. The Imitation was a devotional produced by Kempis in the early 15th century, being a handbook inspired by the Devotio Moderna movement, which called religious reform though pious practices and enjoying the simplicity of life. Next to the Bible, The Imitation is the most popular Christian work in history, being a religious classic, and seeing numerous printings.
One volume in 24mo, 7+(32)+594+(6) pages
This volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, and some leather lacking to the front cover. There is toning throughout.