Title: The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly Translated Out of The Original Tongues: and with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised by his Majesties Special Command. Extra Illustrated With 109 Engraved Plates Bound In; Bound with; The Book of Common Prayer; Bound With; The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre, 1636/1639
Publisher: Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Young; London, Printed by G.M. for the Companie of Stationers
Condition: Good
An early 17th century edition of The New Testament, printed by Robert Young. This Testament has ruling throughout in black, and has been enhanced with 109 engraved plates bound in, in both Latin and English. Additionally bound is a defective Book of Common Prayer at the beginning, and a Book of Psalms at the end, both also early 17th century, the latter printed by G.M in London.
The plates have been taken from several different works, both in Latin and English.
The volume has been rebacked.
The first two preliminary leaves to the Book of Common Prayer are lacking.
One volume in 12mo, unpaginated, (10)+80 of 91+(1 of 3) pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, with some leather loss to the corners, and where the clasps would have been. There is some soiling and staining throughout, with fraying and chipping to the page edges, as well as several repairs, notably to the first leaf and several plates. Several leaves are torn with some letter loss, as well as a portion lacking to a plate. Some of the page edges are frayed.