Title: Synodus ecclesiae Gallicanae habita Durocortori, sub Hugone et Roberto Francorum regibus : cum apologia eiusdem synodi, 1600
Author: Girbertus; Pope Sylvester
Publisher: Francofurti : apud heredes Andreae Wecheli
Condition: Good
A scarce early 17th century edition of Girbertus’s Synod of the Church of France, under Hugh A. and Roberto Franc. Reg. Girbert with the published writings of his apologia of the same synod, the archbishop of Reims, and even now, afterwards, the Roman Pope Sylvester.
Worldcat records 21 existing copies in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 12mo, 149+(3) pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with light rubbing at the corners, along with some stress and light cracking at the upper front joints. There is some foxing and staining throughout.