Title: Statii Sylvarum libri V. Achilleidos libri XII. Thebaidos libri II: Orthographia et flexus dictionum Graecarum omnium apud Statium cum accentib. et generib. ex uarijs utriusq[ue] linguæ authoribus, 1519
Author: P. Papinius Statius
Publisher: Venetiis, In aedibus Aldi
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century second Aldus edition of the Five books of the Statius Syluarum by Statius, the twelve books of the Thebaids, and the two books of the Achilleides. Additionally bound in is his poetry collection titled Silvae. Orthographia.
One volume in 12mo, 294+(1) leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some dampstaining affecting the first quarter and last handful of pages.