Title: Spanish Notarial Manuscript, for one Juana Perez Pinero in Ciudad Rodrigo, 1565
Author: Gonzalo Rodriguez Pacheco; Juana Perez Pinero
Publisher: Very Good
A late 16th century notarial manuscript from Spain written in Latin, handwritten on rag paper in the year 1565, during the reign of Philip II. The manuscript is regarding Gonzalo Rodriguez Pacheco, Corregidor of the noble city of Ciudad Rodrigo, taking 5000 maravedis of zenso in favor of Juana Perez Pinero, widow of Hernando de Chaves de Nobles, and mortgages on the estate of Porra de Hontazes that were purchased from Pedro, and Francisco Maldonado de Espino vezino from Salamanca, with the testimony of Francisco Nunez notarized in the cathedral city of Ciudad Rodrigo.
This manuscript is written in an elaborate script of the mid 16th century, with detailed footers, and an elaborate signature at the end. An additional title page has been bound in at the front, written in a later hand.
One manuscript in octavo, 12 leaves
This manuscript is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the main manuscript, and heavier wear to the page edges of the additional title page. There is some foxing throughout.