Title: Shunga, Glass Negative Photographic Plates. Set of 12, Box M. Early 20th Century
Publisher: Ilford Photo
Condition: Good
A set of Shunga glass negatives, uniquely produced on Ilford Photo plates from the early 20th century, illustrated with sexual scenes of an Edo Era Japan.
There are 12 plates of erotic illustrations, each featuring different figures.
Shunga are a type of Japanese erotic art, normally depicted in the style of ukiyo-e, often in woodblock print format. The Japanese word shunga roughly translated to “picture of spring”. Spring was also a common euphemism for sex.
It is uncommon to see shunga produced on anything else besides paper in the early 20th century. One possibility is that these glass negatives were perhaps used as slides for class lectures.
One set of 12 glass negatives, 17 x 12.5 cm
On note of condition, these negatives are in good shape, with some chipping to the edges and staining that can be seen from any general angle. The dark hue of the negatives have faded outside of the image, becoming more translucent.