Title: Sermones Quadragesimales de Peccatis, 1488. Sparsely Annotated, Scarce, Incunable
Author: Robertus Caracciolus
Publisher: Lyon, Mathias Huss for Lodovicus de Venetia
Condition: Very Good
A scarce late 15th century edition of Caracciolus’ collection of sermons on sin.
Nicknamed de Licio after his homeland in the Kingdom of Naples, Caracciolus entered the Friars Minor, where he acquired a great reputation for his facility and particularly his pathos in the art of preaching. He become arguable the most celebrated preacher in Italy during the second half of the 15th century, rallying against the obstinate wealth and comforts of the papacy and cardinals.
This copy has been neatly rubricated throughout, with large red initials, and has the occasional handwritten annotation.
As the colophon is lacking, careful comparison to digital scans confirms this is the 1488 imprint, as checked with ISTC record ic00160500.
The last 15 leaves are lacking.
Worldcat records 19 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in octavo, 272 of 287 leaves
This volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, and stress heavier to the hinges. The title page is partially detached, though holding at the top. An ownership inscription on leaf aii has been crudely torn away, without any printed text loss. There is some damp staining to the outer margins, heaviest to the upper margins, with a few leaves displaying signs of mold spores.