Title: Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi Operum, 1754/1756/1757/1763. Volumes 1, 3, and 4 1-2
Author: Saint Augustine
Publisher: Napoli, Josephi Ponzelli Superiorum Facultate
Condition: Good to Very Good
A late 18th century edition of the Complete Works of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. This is an incomplete set, containing only three tomes of 18, in four volumes.
Four vellum bound volumes in folio, 408, 408+77; 262; 206+80+16 pages
These volumes are in good to very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the bindings, and heavier wear, vellum peeling, and cracking to volume one. There is some foxing and staining throughout, heavier to volumes 1 and 4-1.