Title: Sammelband. Manuscript collection of four works including an Anthology of Texts by Great Authors of the Time; Philotanuse; Glaucus Boree; Lettre a Monseigneur l'archeveque duc de Reims, 18th Century
Author: Various; Francois de Mailly
Condition: Very Good
An 18th century manuscript sammelband of various works, both original and handwritten renditions of printed works, beginning with an untitled anthology of texts by the great authors of the time. The second work is a literary work entitled Philotanuse. The third work is an unrecorded play entitled Glaucus Boree. The fourth and final work is a manuscript edition of de Mailly’s Letter to the Archbishop Duke of Reims.
One manuscript in octavo, 420 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minimal rubbing and wear to the binding. The first and last pages are heavily toned and foxed. There is minor foxing throughout.