Title: Rutgeri Hermannidae J. U. D. Justissima ad publicum querela de injuriosa prorsus ratione qua secum egerunt Erasmus Regius poëta laureatus, et alter quidam homo anonymus; ut & simul carminis sui latini acerbissime ab iisdem nuperrime exerciti, modesta defensio, 1696
Author: Rutgerus Hermannides
Condition: Very Good
A late 17th century edition of Hermannidae’s complaint to the public about the absolutely insulting manner in which Erasmus Regius, the poet laureate, and another anonymous person had acted with him; and at the same time, a modest defense of his Latin poem, most bitterly exercised by the same people.
One volume in octavo, (2)+62 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the paper wraps, with peeling to the foot of the spine. There is some foxing and toning throughout.