Title: Rosarium Sermonu Predicabilium ad Faciliorem Pedicantium Commoditatem Novissime Compilatum Pars Prima; Bound With; Defensorium Montis Pietatis Contra figmenta omnia emule falsitatis, 1508/1503. Nicely Rubricated
Author: Bernhardin von Busti
Publisher: Hagenaw, expensis Joannes Rynman de Origaw; impressa per Henricum Gran
Condition: Good
A scarce early 16th century edition of von Busti’s Rosary Sermon Predicated for the Easier Convenience of Pedigrees, being the first of two parts. Additionally bound is an earlier edition of de Bustis’ Defender of the Mountain of Piety against all the devices of falsehood.
Celebrated Franciscan theologian and preacher, Bernard de Bustis supporter of the doctrine and devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, writing a considerable quantity of numerous dogmatic, moral and ascetic-mystical works.
The volume is rubricated throughout, with impressive red initials, many with flourishes. This volume has been bound what appears to be contemporary blind stamped pigskin over wooden boards, with various floral designs.
Worldcat records 16 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
Two works bound into one volume in quarto, (26)+CCXXIII; (51) leaves
This volume is in good shape, with wear, old staining, and small wormholes to the binding. There is minor worming throughout the volumes, mostly affecting the outer margins, and obscuring a few letters at the very bottom. There is heavy wear and tear to the first 5 and the last leaf, with signs of restoration and repairs. There is some scattered staining throughout.