Title: Robertus Caracciolus Opera 1479. Containing Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia, Sermones de adventu, Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum, and much more. Two of Three Complete Works
Author: Roberto Caracciolus; Domenico Bollani
Publisher: Impressi in ciuitate Venetiaru[m], P[er] Franciscum renner de Hailbrun
Condition: Very Good
A late 15th century edition of Caracciolo’s collection of sermons. The volume is broken down into three works, containing: Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia, Sermo in festo annuntiationis virginis Mariae'Ne timeas Maria', Sermo de praedestinatorum numero et damnatorum, Sermo de catenis peccatorum, Sermo de spe bona, Sermo de virginitate, Sermo de iudicio pestilentiae; Sermones de adventu, Sermo de sancto Joseph, Sermo de beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae; Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum, and Sermo de morte. A separate table of contents is printed at the beginning of each part with its separate foliation.
This work has been rubricated through in blue and red, with large, ornate initials throughout.
Most of the first work, containing Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia, is lacking, as is the title page, supplied with a 19th century facsimile. The volume begins abruptly at the Sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Also lacking are the two blanks leaves O8 and ii12, as well as text leaf ii1. At least one third of the ISTC holdings mark their copies as incomplete, lacking at least one part, leading to believe that this work was often sold as individual works. Auction records indicate as such, with individual parts coming up over the years. Other editions have been commonly printed as only one of the three works.
There are several bookplates and ownership inscriptions, including for one Herculis de Silva, Xavier Janne d'Othée, and Pierre Culot.
Three works finely bound into one volume in quarto, 24 of 240; 112; 76 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, heavier to the corners. There is some scattered foxing and staining, and a few wormholes.