Title: Recueil des ordonnances militaires de sa majeste Britannique, pour le reglement des troupes: qui sont au service de leurs hautes puissances les seigneurs etats generaux des provinces-unies des Pais-Bas, 1706
Publisher: A Bruxelles, Eugene Henry Fricx
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce 18th century edition of a collection of military ordinances of his Britannic majesty, for the regulation of the troops: who are at the service of their high powers the lords general states of the united provinces of Pais-Bas.
Worldcat records 8 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 12mo, (4)+413 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the boards, and a small chip to the front cover. The title page has been mounted onto a sheet for restoration. There is minor damp staining throughout, with traces of mold.