Title: R. P. Vincentii Bruni, Societatis Iesu, Meditationes, de praecipuis mysteriis vitae et passionis D.N. Iesu Christi, cum veteris testamenti figuris, & phrophetijs, 1601
Author: Vincenzo Bruno
Publisher: Coloniae Agrippinae, in officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 17th century edition of Bruno’s Meditations on the Main Mysteries of the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, with the figures of the Old Testament, and the prophecies, a reprint of the 1599 Cologne edition.
This volume has been bound in blind stamped pigskin over wooden boards. There is a tooled image of Lady Justice to the center of the front cover, and Lucretia to the rear. There are roll stamped border icons.
This volume bears the stamp of the dissolved Franciscan monastery known as the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, in Miltenberg.
Worldcat records six existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One pigskin bound volume in 32mo, (22)+658 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and bumping to the binding, and the binding being bound tightly. The pages are toned. There is a small tear to the unnumbered preliminaries. The flyleaf at the end is lacking.