Title: Psalterium Romanum, Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitvtvm; Ex Breviario Romano Clementis VIII. Pontificis Maximi auctoritate recognito Restitutum, 1640
Author: Pope Clement VIII; Catholic Church
Publisher: Tornaci Nerviorum, Apud Reginaldum Laurentius
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce mid 17th century edition of the Roman Psalter, as approved and authorized by the Council of Trent, from the Roman Breviary of Clement VIII. The text is printed throughout in red and black, with musical notation throughout.
Worldcat records no existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One pigskin bound volume in folio, (12)+341+(2)+CCLX+(4) pages
This volume is in good shape, having been rebound, with the original pigskin covers preserved and reused, with some rubbing to the rebind. There are quite a few pages with signs of restoration, and minor text loss in places. There is foxing and staining throughout.