Title: Petri Francii Orationes In Unum Collectae; Bound With; Oratio in funere augustissimae ac potentissimae Magnae Britanniae; Bound With; Ulrici Huberi de calumnia centum & viginti errorum Jacobi Perizonii; Bound With; Q. Curtius Rufus: restitutus in integrum, 1692/1695/1693/1703. Sammelband of Devotional and Historical Works
Author: Petrus Francius; Ulrik Huber, Jacobus Perizonius
Publisher: Amstelodami, Apud Henr. Wetstenium; Franequerae, Apud H. Amama et Z. Taedama; Lugduni in Batavis, Apud Henricum Terring
Condition: Very Good
A late 17th to early 18th century sammelband of devotional and historical works. Included are the Orations of Petrus Francius, Oratio in funere augustissimae ac potentissimae Magnae Britanniae, Huber’s slander of one hundred and twenty errors of James Perizonius, and Perizonius’s Q. Curtius Rufus
Four works bound into one vellum volume in 12mo, (16)+257, (4)+52, 92, 193 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some foxing and toning to the pages throughout. Several pages are dogeared.