Title: Petri Francii Epistola Prima ad C. Valerium Accinctum, vero nomine Jacobum Perizonium: qua vera causa obortae nuper inter illos inimicitiae, & nuda ac simplex facti narratio continentur, 1696
Author: Petrus Francius
Publisher: Amstelodami
Condition: Very Good
A late 17th century edition of the First Epistle of Peter the Great to C. Valerius Accinctus, whose true name is Jacobus Perizonius: containing the true cause of the enmity which had lately arisen between them, and a bare and simple account of the fact.
One volume in octavo, 64 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the paper wraps, with peeling to the spine. There is some foxing and toning throughout.