Title: Paedagogi Christiani Tomus II: In Quo Christianae Perfectionis Pars Tertia, Que Est De Ferendis aequo animo rebus aduersis, edisseritur, Et Remedia Salutaria Suggeruntur, 1656. Bound in a 15th Century Manuscript
Author: Philippe d' Outreman
Publisher: Augustae Treuirorum, Excudebat Hubertus Reulandt, Archiep. Typog
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce mid 17th century edition of d’ Outreman’s Pedagogi Christiani Tomus II: In Which the Third Part of Christian Perfection, Which Is Concerning Dealing with Things Faced with an Equanimity, Is Elaborated, and Salutary Remedies Are Suggested.
Pages 607-688 are lacking, as are the last 8 unnumbered leaves.
This volume has been bound in a late 15th century medieval manuscript on parchment, with rubrication in red and blue, written in a gothic script.
Worldcat records two existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One manuscript bound volume in 12mo, (16)+606 of 688 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with staining and several wormholes to the front cover. There is browning and foxing throughout.