Title: Orationes Aeschinis et Demosthenis, in Ctesiphontem et de Corona seu pro Ctesiphonde. Cum Interpretatione Dionysii Lambini, 1595
Author: Demosthenes; Aeschines; Denys Lambin
Publisher: Ingolstadii, Ex officina typographica Davidis Sartorii
Condition: Very Good
A late 16th century edition of the Orations of Aeschines and Demosthenes, on Ctesiphon and de Corona or for Ctesiphon, written in Greek and Latin. With the interpretation of Denys Lambin.
There is an exlibris stamp for Cornwell House to the front endpaper.
These volumes have been rebacked.
One work bound in two volumes in 12mo, (13)+1-205, 206-464+(1) pages
These volumes are in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, more to the head and foot of the spine. Page 330 is partially torn diagonally. There is minor worming affecting the lower right margin of several pages. There is very little foxing or staining throughout, mainly affecting the title page.