Title: Opus Eruditissimum divi Irenaei episcopi Lugdunensis, in quinque libros digestum in quibus mirè retegit & confutat veterum haereseōn impias ac portentosas opiniones, ex vetustissimorum codicum collatione quantum licuit Des. Erasmi Roterodami opera emendatum. Additus est index rerum observatu Dignum, 1567
Author: Irenaeus; Desiderius Erasmus
Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Audoënum Paruum
Condition: Fair
An uncommon mid 16th century edition of the Most Erudite Work of the great Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, compiled into five books in which he marvellously uncovers and refutes the impious heresies and portentous beliefs of the ancients, from the collation of the most ancient codices as far as was permitted. The works of Erasmus of Rotterdam have been corrected. A list of things worth observing has been added.
Worldcat records 26 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 12mo, (8)+250+(30) leaves
This volume is in fair shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and the hinges cracked, the boards holding internally. There is minor, scattered, foxing and staining.