Title: Opere predicabili del p. fr. Diodato dell'Assunta dell'istituto alcantarino. Con delle annotazioni bibliche, teologiche, e di ecclesiastica erudizione distribuite in tomi VIII, 1796-1798. Tomo II and IV
Author: Diodato Dell'assunta
Publisher: Napoli, presso Gaetano Raimondi
Condition: Good
A late 8th century edition of Preachable works of Father Diodato dell'Assunta of the Alcantarine Institute. With biblical, theological and ecclesiastical erudition annotations distributed in eight volumes.
These are the second and fourth volumes of eight, containing other panegyrics, and sermons for the Octave of the SS. Sacramento, and Sermons V. Above the Pass. of GC and Novenary of the Holy Spirit.
Two vellum bound volumes in quarto, 195+180, 444 pages
These volumes are in good shape, with rubbing, wear, and staining to the bindings, with some vellum loss to the edges. There is some foxing and staining throughout.