Title: Opera quae exstant. Ex Iusti Lipsii editione ultima: & cum eiusdem ad ea omnia Commentariis aut notis; Bound with Iusti LipsI Ad annales Cor. Taciti liber commentaries; Bound with Iusti LipsI Ad libros historiarum notae, 1585
Author: Cornelius Tacitus; Christophe Plantin; Justus Lipsius
Publisher: Antuerpiae, Apud Christophorum Plantinum
Condition: Good
The third Platin Press edition of the works of the great Roman Historian Tacitus, including an extensive commentary by Justus Lipsius. The first part includes the following texts: Annalium libri XVI, Historiarum libri V, De moribus Germanorum liber I, De vita Julii Agricolae liber I, Dialogus de causis corruptae eloquentiae. The second part presents the Leipzig commentary, full of philological significance and in fact a real historical-political work. The third part includes the critical notes to the Tacitian text. Of Lipsius, he was a Flemish philologist, philosopher and humanist.
Some passages have been underlined in red pencil, with several small annotations in the margins.
One volume in folio, (12)+251, (8)+187, (8)+48+(21) pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear, along with scuffing and peeling to the boards. There is some peeling to the head of the spine. There is some foxing and staining throughout.