Title: Opera Dionysii. Veteris et Nove Translationis. Etiam novissime ipsius marsilii ficini cum commentariis hugonis. Alberti. Thome. Ambrosii oratoris. Linconiensis. et vercellensis. Veteris translationis, 1503. Volume 1 of 3. Nicely Rubricated
Author: Dionysius Areopagite; Marsilio Ficino; Thomas Aquinas, Ambrosius
Publisher: Strasbourg, (G. Husner)
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century edition of the third collected edition of mystical theology from the end of the 5th century, attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite. This edition contains several works in up to three different translations, including by Marsilio Ficino and Ambrogio Traversari with commentary by Hugh of St. Victor, Albertus Magnus, Robert Grosseteste, and others.
The volume is rubricated throughout, with impressive red initials, many with flourishes.
This volume has been bound in later 17th or 18th century blind stamped pigskin over wooden boards, with various floral designs.
One pigskin bound volume in quarto, (8)+CCXXIX leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing, several small wormholes, and old staining to the binding. The lower margins of the title page have been crudely cut away, with tearing to the right-side margin. The lower right corners of the last three leaves are lacking, not affecting text, with a few more leaves worn and slightly torn at the margins. Leaf CXLVII is heavily wormed at the margins, with no text loss somehow. There are a few wormholes throughout at the bottom edge, not affecting text. There is staining throughout, affecting the first handful of leaves more heavily.