Title: Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae, ad Missalis & Breuiarij reformatorum rationem, Pii V pont. max. iussu restitutum, 1598
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Venetiis, Apud Iuntas
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce late 16th century edition of the Office of the Holy Week, pertaining to the Catholic calendar and holidays.
The text is printed in red and black, with some woodcuts throughout.
This volume has been exquisitely bound in burgundy morocco leather, with rich gilt tooling to the boards and spine.
Worldcat and USTC do not record any existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 32mo, 448+(1) pages
This volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, with some leather lacking to the spine. The binding is splayed. The gathering of pages 227-240 is shaken, though holding. There is foxing and staining throughout.