Title: Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis: nuper reformatum, et Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum cui accessit kalendarium Gregorianum perpetuum; Bound With; Petit formulaire de dévotes prières et oraisons chrestiennes & catholiques, 1610
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Societatem typographicam librorum officii ecclesiastici
Condition: Good
An early 17th century edition of a Book of Hours, entitled the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Additionally bound is a Small Form of Devout Christian & Catholic Prayers and Orations. The text is printed in red and black. There are two engraved titles, 12 engravings for each month of the calendar, and 20 of 23 full-page engravings after Jean Messager, but mostly engraved by Léonard Gaultier, save for a few signed by Jan Swelinck, Gaspard Isaac, Michel Faulte, or left unsigned. Three engravings are lacking.
Two books finely bound in one morroco volume in octavo, (20)+232+78+(2)+19, 40+(16) leaves
This volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, more heavily to the spine, with the top and bottom of the front hinge split, and stress to the hinges. The first three leaves have had the margins cut short, without text loss, and there is a small hole to the title page, obscuring several letters. There is some foxing throughout.