Title: Nicolai Burgundi[i] I.C. Et Professoris Ordinari[i] Codicis In Academia Ingolstadiensi, Historia Belgica, Ab Anno M.D. LVIII., 1633
Author: Nicolaus Burgundus
Publisher: Ingolstadii, Apud Ioannem Bayr
Condition: Good
An early 17th century edition of Nicolas Burgundius’s History of Belgium, containing an in-depth description of the area, administrative subdivision, rulers, statesmen, warriors and eminent men, relations with the rest of Europe, religious history, the bishops, the Councils, the influence and consequences of the Council of Trent on these lands, the Inquisition, relations with Martin Luther, with ample space dedicated to disputes with the Church of Rome, libellos, to the events of the Huguenots that intersect with the winding Protestantism in the country; conspiracies, nobles and their rebellions, excerpts of authentic documents relating to the events narrated. An in-depth examination from a contemporary point of view, on fundamental events for European political history and thought
Of Burgundius, he was a well-known jurisconsult, writer of treatises on the subject of laws, and lecturer in Ingolstadt, but was most famous for this historical work.
One vellum bound volume in 12mo, (8)+355+5
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with little wear or rubbing to the vellum binding. The bottom part of the title is cut off with a loss of the imprint date, though it still collates to the 1633 edition. There is a pinhole on the right margins of pages 215-233, though not obscuring any text. There is light damp staining noted on several pages, with virtually no foxing throughout.