Title: Negotiator Evangelicus, Das ist: Evangelischer Kauffmann, handlend mit kurtzer aber guter Waar Oder Kurtze Predigen aus Denen berühmtesten Predigeren diser Zeit heraus gezogen, und zu geschwindern und bequemlichern Gebrauch in dise Form eingerichtet. Pars Festivalis, 1757
Author: Gervas Bulffer
Publisher: Augspurg
Condition: Good
A mid 18th century edition of Bulffer’s Evangelical merchant, dealing with short but good goods or short sermons drawn from the most famous preachers of that time, and set up in this form for quicker and more convenient use. This is the Festival part, of four volumes.
One volume in 12mo, (16)+546+(16) pages
This volume is in good shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to the binding, heaviest to the spine. There is some foxing throughout.