Title: Missale ad usum ecclesie Romane recognitum ac variis additamentis locupletatum, 1530. Recorded as a Lost Book on USTC
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Parisiis, Per Franciscum Regnault
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 16th century Roman Missale, revised and enriched with various additions.
The title is set in a beautiful woodcut frame, followed by a full-page woodcut showing King David surrounded by his courtiers. There is also a half page woodcut of the Crucifixion. There are hundreds of small woodcuts and woodcut initials throughout, and printed rubrication and musical notation throughout in red.
Leaf CXXXVII from the Canon is lacking, replaced with two blank leaves.
Worldcat records two existing copies of this edition in libraries. USTC records this edition as a lost book.
One volume in 12mo, (8)+CXLII of CXLIII+42+LXIX leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some scattered foxing and staining throughout.