Title: Missale ad Sacrosanctum Romane Ecclesie Usum, 1548
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Thielmann Kerver, but actually Yolande Bonhomme, veuve de Thielmann Ier Kerver, Paris,
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce mid 16th century edition of the Missal for the Use of the Sacred Roman Church. The text is printed in a red and black gothic font, with numerous in-text woodcuts throughout, large woodcut initials, four full page woodcuts, two woodcut printer devices, and pages of musical notation. Although the printer device is for that of Thielmann Kerver, this book has been printed by Yolande Bonhomme, famed 16th century printer, and wife to Kerver. Many of the woodcut designs are derived from the illustrated Books of Hours printed by Kerver and earlier sources.
Yolande was one of several significantly important woman printers in 16th century Paris, and a phenomenally successful one. She was also the first woman to also print an edition of the Bible in 1526. When fellow printer and husband Thielmann Kerver passed away in 1522, she assumed control of the printing shop. Just like Thielmann, Yolande also specialized in illustrated Books of Hours.
This volume has been finely bound in 19th century vellum, with gilt tooling decorating the covers and spine. There are working clasps are straps.
Worldcat records one existing copy of this edition in libraries. USTC shows no records.
Leaf CLXI, likely containing a woodcut of the Crucifixion and some text, is lacking. Several leaves are misnumbered but following signature count correctly.
One vellum bound volume in octavo, CLXXIV of CLXXV+LVI+CVIII+(4)
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and some splitting to the front hinge. One of the clasps to the rear is slightly askew. There are several small wormholes to the opening leaves, and another small wormhole going from leaf LXIII to XCII, obscuring a letter or two throughout the leaves. There is some scattered staining throughout.