Title: Medieval Quittance of the 100 Years War for Lord Godefroy Le Fèvre, Custodian of the Coffers of Duke Louis I of Orléans. Manuscript on Parchment, January 20 1398. From the Archives of the Order of Malta, or Knights Hospitallers
Author: Thiebaut Le Prestre
Condition: Very Good
A late 14th century medieval manuscript from Orleans, France, written in French, handwritten on parchment, and produced in the year 1398, during the reign of Pope Boniface IX, and more significantly, during the 100 Years War that enveloped England and France in a constant struggle. The manuscript is written in an elaborate script.
The manuscript is a quittance of payment for Lord Godefroy Le Fèvre, Custodian of the Coffers of Duke Louis I of Orléans, the son of King Charles V, and younger brother of Charles VI. The amount of money delivered by Lord Le Fevre is "vint trois livres et seize soulx", for six barrels of wine, and sixteen pounds of wax, to be wrought into several candles and torches for a funeral. The receipt itself has been written by one Thiebaut Le Prestre, an "espicier". The manuscript still bears the original seal rink of Le prestre, in excellent shape.
Additionally, this manuscript also comes from the archives of the Order or Malta, or Knights Hospitaller, bearing their stamp.
This manuscript has been written in a 6-line format.
One manuscript on parchment, 8.5 x 28.9 cm
This manuscript is in very good shape, with minor creasing and some staining to the parchment. Several letters have been lost due to the staining.