Title: Marcelli Palingenii Stellati Poetae. doctissimi Zodiacus Vitae, hoc est, De Hominis Vita, studio, ac moribus optime instituendis libri XII, 1560
Author: Pietro Angelo Manzolli
Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Hieronymum de Marnef
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce mid 16th century edition of Manzolli’s Stellati Poetae. doctissimi Zodiacus Vitae, a cycle of twelve Latin poems on human life, learning and happiness, each corresponding to a sign of the Zodiac. The work contains satirical passages on the Pope as well as Martin Luther.
There is an exlibris stamp for Cornwell House to the rear endpaper.
Worldcat records six existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 32mo (12 x 7.9 cm), 366+(82) pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the boards, and leather peeling to the rear hinges, with some splitting to the hinges as well. There is scattered foxing and staining, heaviest to the first and last leaves.