Title: Magnum Speculum Exemplorum, ex plusquam octoginta auctoribus, pietate, doctrina, et antiquitate venerandis, variisque historiis, tractatibus & libellis excerptum, ab Anonymo quodam, qui circiter annum Domini 1480. vixisse deprehenditur, 1672
Author: Jean Major; Aegdius Faber
Publisher: Coloniae Agrippinae, typis & sumptibus Joannis Wilhelmi Friessem
Condition: Good
A late 17th century edition of Major’s Large Mirror of Examples, taken from more than eighty authors, respected in piety, learning, and antiquity, and various histories, treatises, and pamphlets, by a certain Anonymous, who is found to have lived about the year of the Lord 1480. The “Exempla” is a a collection of divine miracles, punishments, revelations, etc. attributed to Aegdius Faber, here in the adaptation of the Jesuit Jean Major in the later Cologne edition of 1684.
This volume bears the stamp of the dissolved monastery library Franziskaner Kloster Dettelbach.
One vellum bound volume in quarto, (6)+683+(69) pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. The first 4 leaves have been partially cut through in the middle, though still present. There is browning and foxing throughout, and worming to a handful of pages, heavier to the first few leaves.