Title: M. Tulli Ciceronis Opera Philosophica, in duas partes divisa, 1609. Tomus septimus
Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
Publisher: Lugduni, Sumptibus J. Pillehotte
Condition: Good
An early 17th century pocket edition of the complete works of the great Roman Orator Cicero. This is the 7th of 8th volumes, and compiles the following works; Academicarum Quaestionum, On the Ends of Good and Evil, On the Nature of the Gods, On the Immortality of the Soul, and Consolation.
There are three unknown stamps, and a contemporary ex libris inscription at the foot of the title page.
One limp vellum bound volume in 32mo, 852 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, and some staining to the spine, along with slight peel marks. There is sporadic worming throughout, which gets heavier from page 807 onwards and degenerates into longer tunnels in the last 5 leaves, the final blank, and the pastedown.