Title: L'Office de la Semaine Sainte, Corrige par le Commandement du roy, Conformement au Breviaire & Messel de Notre S. Pere le Pape, Late 17th Century. Arms of Louis XIV
Author: Charles Fosset; Denis Chenault; Catholic Church
Publisher: A Paris, Chez Charles Fosest, & de Denis Chenault
Condition: Very Good
An undated late 17th century edition of the Divine Office for Holy Week, corrected by the command of the king, and in accordance with the Breviary & Missal of Pope Urban VIII.
The Holy Week offices (liturgies) lead worshipers through the events of the final days before Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This volume gathers the prayers and biblical readings appointed for the entire week, including Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. The text is in parallel columns of French and Latin.
There is an engraved frontispiece, and one additional full-page engraving.
This copy is bound in a red morocco armorial binding, with gilt fleur-de-lis at the corners, and bearing the arms of Louis the XIV, King of France, often referred to as the Sun King. On the spine is his monogram in repeat.
From the age of 5 until his death in 1715, his reign has been the longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country in history, emblematic of the age of absolutism in Europe.
Many of his achievements, influential and architectural, have lasted well into the Early Modern Era, to the Industrial Revolution, and lastly up to today, including the creation of the Palace of Versailles, the founding of the French Academy of Sciences, and much more.
One finely bound volume in octavo, (8)+515 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, mostly to the corners. There is some staining to the boards. There is some foxing and staining throughout.