Title: L'Office de la Semaine Sainte, corrigé par le Commandement du Roy conformément au Breviaire & Missel de Nôtre S. Père le Pape, 1694/1695. Fanfare Binding Attributable to L'Atelier des Caumartin. Ruled Copy
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Paris, Charles Fosset et Denis Chenault
Condition: Very Good
A late 17th century edition of the Office of Holy Week, corrected by the King's Command in accordance with the Breviary & Missal of Our Holy Father the Pope. This copy has been ruled throughout.
The Holy Week offices (liturgies) lead worshipers through the events of the final days before Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The text is in French and Latin.
This volume has been beautifully bound in a red morocco fanfare armorial binding, with extravagant usage of tooling and gilt. Although a penciled inscription to the rear pastedown notes this binding as being in the style of Le Gascon, it is more easily identifiable as a work of L'Atelier des Caumartin, whose work has shown up in many a royal library. While cyclopaedia does show similar examples by Antoine-Michel Padeloup and Le Gascon, it is the tooling of des Caumartin, which is much more close a match.
Pages 513-515 are lacking.
One finely bound volume in octavo, 512 of 515 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, and slight scuffing to the top of the front cover. There is very light foxing and toning throughout.