Title: Libri Regum IIII. Paralipomenon, II. Esdrae, IIII. Tobiae, I. Judith, I. Esther, I. Job, I, 1564
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini
Condition: Very Good
A scarce mid 16th edition of various Books of the Bibles, containing the Book of Kings, Paralipomenon, Esdras, Tobias, Judith, Esther, and Job. This volume is part of Plantin's first small-format edition of the Bible, published in 7 volumes from 1564 to 1565.
This volume has been finely bound, with tooling and oxford panels.
USTC records 12 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in 32mo (11.3 x 7.6 cm), 418 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, and some splitting to the upper half of the hinges. There is minor, scattered staining throughout.