Title: Legende Sanctorum sanctarumque compendiose congeste per Reveredum patrem ac dominum Jacobum de Voragine Ordinis Predicatorum Episcopumque Januensem. Est autem hic liber trionymus. A plerisque inscribitur Longobardica historia. Aurea legenda Passionale sanctorum,
Author: Jacobus de Voragine
Publisher: Strasbourg, Georg Husner
Condition: Good
A scarce early 16th century edition of de Voragine Legende Sanctorum, also known more commonly as the Golden Legend of the Passion of the Saints, a famed collection of 153 hagiographies (biography or life of a saint or ecclesiastical figure), widely read in Europe during the Late Middle Ages.
Quire I is lacking, as is leaf P1, and the final blank.
Worldcat records 14 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One volume in quarto, 282 of 291 leaves are lacking
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. There is foxing and staining throughout, the staining mostly affecting the margins, and the title page heavily browned. The lower margins of quire R onwards to the end has small puncture marks. The last page has a bit of letter loss.