Title: Legenda Aurea Sanctorum, sive Lombardica Historia, About 1476, A Wide Margined Copy, Profusely Rubricated. Additional 13th-14th Century Hebrew Pastedowns
Author: Jacobus de Voragine
Publisher: Strasbourg, Georg Husner
Condition: Very Good
A late 15th century edition of de Voragine’s Legende Sanctorum, also known more commonly as the Golden Legend of the Passion of the Saints, a famed collection of 153 hagiographies (biography or life of a saint or ecclesiastical figure), widely read in Europe during the Late Middle Ages. This particular edition has been printed by Georges Husner, Strasbourg printer and type foundryman, one of the first to set up shop in Strasbourg.
This copy has been heavily rubricated in red, with large, beautiful initials, and initial strokes in red as well.
This volume has been bound in a contemporary embossed leather binding, having also been rebacked. The pastedowns are Hebrew manuscript waste leaves from the 13th to 14th century.
The first 24 leaves are lacking, as are folios 388 and 419. Leaf 390 is torn in two, with half of it lacking.
One volume in folio, 394 of 420 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. There is a repair to folio 407, and a repair to the last folio, with a few letters lacking. There is some scattered staining throughout.