Title: Leaf from a Large Latin Missal, Italy, Circa 1350. Manuscript on Parchment. Dragon Illustrations, a Beautiful 4-Line Initial, and 9 2 to 3-Line Initials
Condition: Very Good
A 14th century leaf from a manuscript Latin Missal, produced in Italy. The text is written in Latin, and is a Gothic script written in brown ink, bearing ornate 2 and 3-line initials, as well as a larger, 4-line initial, all bearing flowering tendrils. There are also two illustrations of dragons at the foot of the text, being later additions.
This manuscript is written in a 33-line format.
One manuscript on parchment, 30.2 x 21.2 cm
This manuscript is in very good shape, with minor stretching to the parchment. There is a very small tear to the lower inner margin, not affecting text or illustration.