Title: In Hoc Opere: continentur libri sub scripti videlicet : liber primus de Compunctione cordis ; liber secundus de Compunctione cordis ; de Reparatione lapsi ; Sermo sancti Johannis Cristostomi de penitentia ; Quod nemo leditur nisi a seipso ; Sermo sancti Augustini episcopi de lectione divina ; Sermo sancti Bernardi de obsecratione, oratione, postulatione et gratiarum actione ; Bernardus de Septem misericordiis Dei; Bound With; Confessio generalis optima et compendiosa que speculum confitentium dicitur: cum deuotis oratio[n]ibus ante et post missam. seu sanctam co[m]munionem dicendis; Bound With; Dieta Salutis a Beato Bonaventura ultimate emendatum ac parisius noviter impressum, 1497/1496/1497. Extraordinarily Scarce Sammelband of Incunables. Not Recorded on ISTC
Author: Saint Augustine, Jean Chrysostome; Andrés de Escobar; Saint Bonaventure
Publisher: Paris, Johannes Higman et Wolfgang Hopyl?] pour Claude Jaumar; Paris, Pierre Le Dru
Condition: Very Good
An extraordinarily rare and scarce trio of incunable imprints bound together, printed by Claude Jaumar for the first two, and Pierre Le Dru for the final work. Bound in is Augustine and Chrysostome’s collection of texts, containing the Compunction of the heart; the Reparation of the Fallen; the Sermon of Saint John Christ on penitence, and much more. The second work contains de Escobar’s Mirror of Confessors: with pious prayers before and after mass. or saying holy communion. Lastly, there is Bonaventure’s Diet of Salvation, finally corrected and newly printed in Paris.
There are two woodcut vignettes to the title of the first work, and a large woodcut to the verso. There is a woodcut to folio ciiii, and two full-page woodcuts to the colophon. The second text has a large woodcut title of the Passion of the Christ. All three works bear initial strokes in red, as well as underlining and rubrics in red, and a few large initials to the second text.
The first work is heavily annotated throughout in the margins. There are a few handwritten 19th century bibliographical notes to the pastedowns and endpapers.
The title woodcut to the final work is lacking, replaced by a facsimile leaf on vellum reproduced by hand.
Worldcat records two existing copies of the first work, two of the second, and no recorded copies of the third work. ISTC does not record copies of any of these works and editions.
Three works bound into one volume in 12mo, 96; 39; 151 of 152 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is very little foxing or staining throughout. There is a bit of restoration work to folio kiii.