Title: Hortulus Anime cum aliis quamplurimis orationibus pristine impressioni superadditis: ut tabulam in hujus calce annexam intuenti patentissimum erit, 1518
Author: Catholic Church; Hans Springinklee; Erhard Schon
Publisher: Hortulus anime impesis probi viri Ioannis Koberger ciuis Nurebergen. impressus fine optatu sortitus est Lugduni arte [et] industria Ioannis Clein calchographi
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 16th century edition of the Hortulus Anime, also known as the Hortulus Animae, or Little Garden of the Soul. A well-known work of devotion and of moral instruction the Hortulus was first printed on 13 March 1498, at Strasbourg by Wilhelm Schaffener of Ribeauvillé, followed by German versions appearing in 1501. Later editions, including this one, were illustrated by woodcuts by the well-known engravers Hans Springinklee and Erhard Schon.
There are 83 full page woodcuts throughout, two large woodcuts of the sun and moon, and several smaller in text woodcuts. Some of the leaves have underlining and the occasionally annotation.
One of the final index leaves is lacking.
This volume has been newly rebound.
Worldcat and USTC record two existing copies of this collated edition in libraries.
One volume in 32mo (10 x 8.4cm), (20)+CCXLI+(10 of 11) leaves
Having been rebound, this volume is in very good shape, with virtually no rubbing or wear to the binding. The leaves have been trimmed so sharply by a prior binder that the pagination has been cut off, though a later owner had the forethought to number the main leaves up to leaf 200. Some of the leaves at the centre are heavily browned, including the title page, with some scattered staining throughout, and wear to some of the page edges. The last leaf has been crudely repaired, with some of the lacking text provided in facsimile.