Title: Horatius, M. Antonii Mureti in Eum Scholia: Aldi Manutii de Metris Horatianis. Eiusdem Annotationes in Horatium, 1559
Author: Quintus Horatius Flaccus; Marc-Antoine Muret
Publisher: Venetiis, Aldus
Condition: Very Good
A mid 16th century second Aldine edition of the Commentary of Aldus Manutius on the meters of Horace, and a commentary of the same man on Horace, containing the added commentary of French humanist Marc-Antoine Muret.
There are several ownership inscriptions.
One vellum bound volume in 12mo, (8)+144+(36) leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and old staining to the binding. There is some browning and scattered foxing throughout.